First things first - I think I'm going to blow a gasket if I keep listening to these libtards question Sarah Palin's qualifications. For the love of everything logical, how can you ignore the fact that Barack Obama is a FRESHMAN SENATOR (such a freshman that's he's not even up for re-election yet) while you call a GOVERNOR OF A STATE unqualified?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not voting for McCain. Despite all the posturing, I'm sticking to the classification I assigned him a full year ago (along with Romney andGuilani): RINO. As much as I like Palin (I could vote for her with a mostly clean conscience) the man at the top of the ticket does not represent freedom.
This post is rather stream-of-consciousness, so bear with me, but the next thing on my mind is the hilarious assertion that Obama made about the 'right to privacy' found in the Constitution. Suddenly he's so concerned with personal freedom that he'll name something that exists as an extrapolation (one I agree with, but an extrapolation, nonetheless), but he continues to ignore freedoms specifically protected by name. (The Second Amendment of course.)
We're in for a crap-storm of government growth and expansion no mattter who gets elected. They both like to quote billion dollar figures, and what they have in common is those are billions they want to spend.
Goodness, I think the Republic may very well be lost.
2 years ago