Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Name?

If you're reading this, you may be wondering why I titled the blog thus. I have several reasons, actually. The main thrust of the title is that it's intended to provoke thought.

What would you die for?

If you've ever seen the Princess Bride, there is a scene where the hero character (Westley) is facing off against the villain (Prince Humperdinck), who is demanding his surrender. Incidentally, Westley is all that stands between his lady (The Princess Bride) and her kidnapping at the hand of the evil prince. An exchange takes place.

Prince Humperdinck: "For the last time, surrender!"
Westley: "Death first!"

There are a few things in life to which I know I would respond, "Death first!"

Renounce Jesus Christ? Death first.
Allow harm to come to my family? Death first.
Register my guns? Well...

And there's the the Internet community I frequent, there's a lot of From my cold, dead hands! bravado. But how many of those fiercely proclaiming, "Come and get them!" will really resist with violence? And when?

The Second Amendment has already been encroached upon to the point that the Founders would have revolted. Much of the freedom intended to be protected by the 2nd is already gone.

And in these troubled times when the 2nd Amendment is more than ever under attack from a rabidly anti-gun out of control agency - the BATFE - some men are starting to question where that line is. Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea make me think about it quite a bit.

Where is the line? What is worth dying for? And do you have the guts to actually take a stand when it hits the fan?

Hence the title.

"Working" Americans

I heard a blurb on the news the other day about Barack Obama speaking to a group of "working" Americans.

It suddenly dawned on me how the media has commandeered the use of a term and redefined it as they please. "Working" Americans. What does that bring to mind for you? For me, I get images of Joe Sixpack wearing blue coveralls with dirty hands. Or a miner with a black face. Or a waitress.

A man in a cubicle? Executive sitting on the top floor? No.

And why is this? I guess I've been brainwashed. They apparently want you to believe that the lower and lower/middle classes are the only ones doing any real work. They're the only "working" Americans.

Not that I hold anything against anyone doing any of the aforementioned jobs for a living, of course. But it's interesting to me how the socialist media tries to incite class warfare to accomplish their agenda.

Why I'll Never Vote for John McCain

Because he's a freedom stealing traitor, that's why. (Yes, I know that's not a sentence...)

I don't care about the R behind his name. I don't care how nicely he smiles for all the members of the NRA at their annual meetings where they welcome him like an ally instead of the cursed enemy of freedom that he is.

The link to this post goes to an old effort to oppose his unconstitutional regulations on the First Amendment via McCain-Feingold.

He's shown his opposition to the First Amendment. He's shown his opposition to the Second. And now he wants to pretend to be a good guy.

You can tell me that a vote for a third party is a vote for Obama, and I don't care. If John McCain is the best that the Republicans can do, I hope they lose every vote in their base, and I hope Obama does win.

Voting for McCain is like saying, "I'd rather be shot in the gut than through the heart." Freedom is doomed, no matter the outcome.


Welcome to my new blog. There will be some substantive content shortly...