Friday, August 29, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out...

I watched Obama last night. I did. And while I was watching the Chosen One, tears streaming down my face as the hope of change welled up in my heart (but not my mind), I was struck by the irony of my little daughter sitting in the other room watching Annie the musical. As Obama launched into his plan to increase the government's role in every aspect of your life and as 70,000 weeping, beaming, bleating sheep roared in approaval, I was saddened to realize that 'Tomorrow' would be a perfect theme song for his campaign...except the dirty little secret is that tomorrow won't be better. The pathetic reality is the same for both the orphans and the followers of the Obamessaih. The hilarious truth is that Annie knows she's fooling herself about a bright future. She's an orphan in an abusive lock-up...but the sun'll come out tomorrow! Too bad that the Hopers of Change can't see the bleak sadness of handing over their freedom and fortunes for the promise of a better tomorrow.

At least's it's only a 'day away.'

Updated: David has some specific observations about Obama's gun control plans.


Carteach said...

A promise to make tomorrow better is worth less than the air to say it, as tomorrow never comes. It's a promise that can't be filled... just held out like a can of spam in front of a self imposed starving populace.

"GIVE US MORE!" (Because we are not willing to get it for ourselves).

(Because we have the power to vote, so we don't have to work for what we want).

Anonymous said...

I think I feel the same as you, that true hope for our people at the hands of the government has fallen behind the horizon. Fascism is whispered everywhere in the capital, and soon it will rear itself dawning all black and without face. I don't think the American people posses the courage to say "No."